The closer your relationship with yourself, the more nurturing :) your relationship with others will become. And: you don't have to wait for some future day to be ready for a relationship. Here's the crux: you can already have one now.
However, a part deep inside us often doesn't believe it's possible to have nurturing and intimate relationships. These parts are often very young, meaning that our nervous system had experiences in earlier years—often in childhood—that were overwhelming. Parts of our system can go into a state of shock and remain trapped there when we encounter situations that remind us of those earlier experiences.
In coaching, it's about gradually creating new, 'corrective' experiences and increasingly trusting that you are safe, loved, and belong—no matter what happens.
Mainstream dating advice often overlooks that the roots of attachment issues often reach far back into the past. These issues can't be resolved with a few superficial affirmations and simple behavior changes.
In my opinion, it is instead about increasing awareness of one's bodily sensations, emotions, thoughts, and belief patterns; gently integrating traumas and wounds; finding empowerment or building resilience in the nervous system; and boosting self-worth beyond the question of having a partner.
This way, you can begin to enjoy your life and love stories more and more, learn from them, and grow through them—regardless of how long they last.
Arriving, yes! At yourself—whether with or without a partner.
The subject tonight is Love
And for tomorrow night as well,
As a matter of fact
I know of no better topic
For us to discuss
Until we all
- Hafiz
The Journey of Falling in Love
Each stage of the journey requires more or less attention, depending on your goals and what shows up in your nervous system. We have a structure that allows for freedom.
1) Bewusstsein
Bewusstsein des Soma - des "Felt Sense" im Hier & Jetzt
Glaubenssätze und Gedankenmuster aktualisieren
Attachment (Bindungs-) Theorie
4) Action!
Sicheres und stimmiges Beziehungsverhalten üben
Deinen Rhythmus finden
Flirten, Verführung & Spiel
2) Innere Wunden & Ängste
Inneres Kind- und Familien-Dynamiken
Integration von Ängsten & Wunden
(Ex-Liebhaber) Loslassen
5) Selbstwert Jenseits von Partnerschaft
Selbstwert jenseits der Partnerschaft aufbauen
Aus deinen Wünschen und Werten leben
Auf dein eigenes Wohlbefinden und Vergnügen zugreifen
3) Ermächtigte/ Sichere Identität
Deine Ermächtigte & Sichere Identität identifizieren
Klarheit über Wünsche & Werte (bezüglich Beziehungen, Intimität und Verbindung)
Effektive Kommunikation
Pleasure/Genuss & durch! :)
... und immer mehr die Erkenntnis, dass du gar nichts an dir heilen und ändern musst - sondern geniessen und deinem wahren, inneren "Feel-Good" folgen darfst.
The Future of Coaching is Somatic.
The "Soma" can be described as "the living body in its wholeness', and I strongly believe that we need to work with the soma in order for deep, lasting transformation to happen.
Maybe you've experienced it yourself: you've read books, engaged in talk therapy, and listened to various mentors and guides. Yet, you still find it challenging to enact change and integrate concepts into your life.
This is because the knowledge remains superficial, mainly intellectual. When working somatically, we delve into the deeper regions of our brain—the subconscious. By bridging the rational with the limbic and reptilian part of the brain (in a simplified description) - we get the chance to embody a new reality.
We do not only gain a clearer rational understanding but also have the opportunity to gently release trauma that has been stored in the body for years or even lifetimes, and forge new neural pathways.
Is this type of coaching for you?
Rather Yes, if you:
You want to take radical self-responsibility for your experiences (or move away from blaming other people or the past for your current reality).
Know that you deserve love on the outside too (or are working on recognizing this!).
Understand that the universe has its own timing and your nervous system has its own pace.
You are open and willing to work somatically, i.e. with the physical, emotional and energetic body. Ideally, you are already familiar with self-development work and body and energetic practices such as yoga, meditation or similar.
Rather Not, if you:
Believe that there is only one person for you. Or want to insist on the urgency of finding a partner.
You are not ready to actively participate in the sessions and integrate what you have experienced between sessions (i.e., if you are not ready to engage in this deeper journey energetically).
Only want to talk or are not open to somatic work.
Have experienced significant, unresolved trauma* and/or are currently going through a major life change (e.g., a recent divorce, currently trying to become a mother, grieving the recent loss of a loved one, etc.).
This work is gentle but profound and has the potential to delve deep into your being. It requires your complete commitment to the coaching process, just as I am dedicated to your desires and to creating a safe space where deeper layers can emerge and be integrated.
*Significant unresolved trauma (including sexual trauma) can impact our ability to manage everyday activities such as getting up for work, interacting with friends and family, or getting out of bed. If this is currently the case for you, I encourage you to seek the support of a trauma specialist. However, therapy and coaching often complement each other very well. Don't hesitate to reach out for further clarity if needed.
Important NOTE:
Each process is individual; we never know what your subconscious reveals and what your nervous system stores! Furthermore, this type of coaching is not a method to bypass your emotional reality or the fact that human experiences include both pain and joy. Coming into contact with unfamiliar feelings and experiences can be uncomfortable at first. Yet feeling deeper means experiencing the full spectrum of being human, which is likely to result in feeling more alive. Over time, you will learn to manage these emotions and hold yourself through them. I do not promise you that you will find a partner or achieve a specific goal within a set time frame. Deep wounds heal in layers, and fortunately, getting to know ourselves on a deeper level is a lifelong journey. What I can guarantee you, however, is that you will get closer to your goals and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. I would be honored to help you find more clarity, security, and joy in dating (inner states that are ultimately reflected in the world around you as well).
Photo: Pride Pursey Photos
I am currently training as a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner, the 3-year training from Peter A. Levine, a pioneer in the field of somatic therapy. The focus is on nervous system resilience and trauma healing or integration. Many approaches of Somatic Experiencing are already part of the VITA™-coaching method , which I completed in 2021. This method also includes the following holistic tools, which are supported by modern science and ancient traditions, such as:
Embodiment (including pleasure, if appropriate)
Gentle trauma healing
Meditation / Mindfulness
Energy work
Working with sounds
I am currently training as a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner, the 3-year training from Peter A. Levine, a pioneer in the field of somatic therapy. The focus is on nervous system resilience and trauma healing or integration. Many approaches of Somatic Experiencing are already part of the VITA™-coaching method , which I completed in 2021. This method also includes the following holistic tools, which are supported by modern science and ancient traditions, such as:
Embodiment (including pleasure, if appropriate)
Gentle trauma healing
Meditation / Mindfulness
Energy work
Working with sounds
A 3-Month Journey
For profound transformation to occur, there must be safety. Safety comes with trust. And trust is built over time; first and foremost, trust in yourself. Trust between you and me. Trust in the methodology. The VITA™-coaching methodology is designed for "longer-term" journeys. Our dreams and nervous systems need our nourishment, encouragement, and dedication to flourish!
Each 3-Month Journey includes:
3 x 75-minute sessions per month (total of 9 sessions. Please contact me to discuss your individual desires and needs to find a rhythm that best serves you.)
Workbook with journaling prompts and important concepts around dating
Tailor-made Home-Play practices (concrete actions, areas of focus, guided audio meditations, pleasure and/or embodiment practices, book or video recommendations, etc.)
I look forward to getting to know you in a (pressure-free) 45-minute initial call! My intention is not to sell you anything but to determine if we are a good fit. Similar to dating, I wish for our coaching relationship to be a 'win-win' situation!
Let's see if we're a match :)
Meine berufliche Ausbildung & Qualifikationen
Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, in Ausbildung (3-Jahres-Programm)
Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, zertifiziert – Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
Conscious Dating Coach, zertifiziert – Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
Traumasensitiver HeartMath® Certified Practitioner – HeartMath Institute
"Health-Informed Sex Expert", Abschlusszertifikat – "The Science of Pleasure" mit Dr. Isabela Bottura (ObGyn, Sex Coach & Pleasure Expert)
Women's Empowerment Coach, zertifiziert – Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
Zertifizierte Well Woman Yoga Therapeutin
Zertifizierte Yogalehrerin (über 600 Stunden Ausbildung)
Woman's Circle-Leiterin, Abschlusszertifikat Be Woman Project
Hunderte Stunden Weiterbildung in persönlicher Entwicklung :)
Ich habe außerdem einen Master in International Affairs and Governance von der Universität St. Gallen (HSG) sowie einen Bachelor in Politikwissenschaft mit Nebenfach Russische Literatur von der Universität Zürich. Vor meinem Karrierewechsel habe ich im Lobbying beim Schweizer Wirtschafts-Dachverband economiesuisse gearbeitet, und als Journalistin in der Politik- und Wirtschaftsredaktion bei der Schweizer Pendler-Zeitung 20 Minuten sowie beim Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF).