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Somatic Coaching

My Invitation to Fall in Love With Yourself, Love & Life.

Welcome! I'm Rahel...

Welcome! I'm Rahel

...certified VITA™-Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach and Somatic Experiencing® student. My passion is helping women develop a better relationship with themselves, which in turn transforms their relationships with everyone else. I'm particularly fascinated by the topic of dating with early attachment traumas and wounds, as well as integrating these experiences. I work somatically (one definition of "soma" is "the living body in its wholeness") and like to emphasize the aspect of pleasure. I believe that our connection with ourselves begins with our connection to our bodies. The better we get to know ourselves on all levels—body, emotions, feeling thoughts—the more we can be our true selves. Then, life feels easier, and we feel more alive. Intimate relationships are no longer a question of "gain or fail"—we can gently navigate even intense experiences and find wisdom and empowerment within them. Are you ready to guide yourself home?

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Love, Safety & Belonging in the Nervous System

Feeling often anxious on dates? Unsure how to deal with triggers in relationships, or struggling to feel sensual pleasures? Symptoms like these often stem from parts of ourselves that are not feeling loved, safe, or that they belong in certain experiences. Connect with yourself on a profound level and imprint a strong sense of safety, love, and belonging on all levels with this 10-minute meditation. 

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  • Buche einen Call fÞr eine 3-monatige 1:1 Coaching-Reise. Gratis und oh...

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    1 hr 15 min

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Photo: By Puri

My Philosophy

That's what I think about dating.

The closer your relationship with yourself, the more nurturing :) your relationship with others will become. And: you don't have to wait for some future day to be ready for a relationship. Here's the crux: you can already have one now. Often, a part deep within us doesn't believe that it's possible to have nurturing and intimate relationships. These parts are often very young, meaning that our nervous system had experiences in earlier years—often in childhood—that were overwhelming. Parts of our system can go into a state of shock and remain trapped in situations that remind us of those earlier experiences. In coaching, it's about gradually creating new, 'corrective' experiences and increasingly trusting that you are safe, loved, and belong—regardless of your relationship status...

Folge mir @rahellandolt

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